To understand our approach, we begin here: there is NO HOLY GRAIL OF INVESTING.  

We research, develop investment strategies and make investment decisions.


Your plan needs to have FOCUS



Intelligent investing and strategy is based on longer term planning

We help you develop an investment plan. When new information or conditions warrant, we make changes.



Minimizing Fees

Tax Efficiency



Risk Management


Target Risk

Your Target Risk is based on your situation.

We use best in class tools like Morningstar and Riskalyze to identify your Target Risk.



Target Risk Benchmarks

The Target Risk benchmarks are our compass.

We use our Target Risk benchmarks to guide our client’s through conditions of uncertainty.

Morningstar Target Risk Indexes

The Morningstar Target Risk Index series consists of five asset allocation indexes that span the risk spectrum from conservative to aggressive.



The indexes are based on a well-established asset allocation methodology from Ibbotson Associates, a Morningstar company and leader in the field of asset allocation theory.



What is Your Risk Number?

Riskalyze is a service to which we subscribe that analyzes each of our client accounts to determine a Risk Number based on a proprietary scaled index.


Know and Manage Risk

Riskalyze is a tool to help the client quantify their risk tolerance and stress test their portfolios.  Watch video to the left to learn more about Riskalyze.

Click on the button below to find out your Risk Number.



Local Presence, Global Strategy